Small Home in London : design elements


Small Home in London

categories Bedroom, House Tour, Kitchen    

So sieht eine Wohnung in London aus. Schönes Wochenende!

A look inside a small home in London. Happy weekend!

photos: David Giles for The Guardian via 79 ideas


6 Kommentare zu “Small Home in London”

  1. Emilie am 04.01.2013 um 17:31 Uhr 

    Richtig schön und irgendwie auch sehr sehr süß :)

  2. Dani am 04.01.2013 um 18:33 Uhr 

    Мария, за много години!
    Нека е здрава, усмихната и благословена!
    Да е успешна и щедра!
    Чудесно е това жилище!
    Рядко харесвам бяло, но това ме плени!

  3. Priscilla Joy am 04.01.2013 um 23:10 Uhr 

    Have a great weekend Maria. Smile loads. xx

  4. Teresa am 05.01.2013 um 01:55 Uhr 

    It’s probably just me – so, never mind ;) – but some cities call for small houses so you can dedicate your time to enjoy the City and its atractions.
    London is one of those for me.
    I usually tend for amore Country look, British Country look – you know, plaid, warm libraries… – but this one looks really amazing (view needs minimalism and white after the Holidays, I guess).
    Thanking you for your visit and wishing you a cosy and warm weekend,

  5. Quer am 05.01.2013 um 11:25 Uhr 

    Auch das ist schön, so hell und freundlich!

    Lieben Gruss, Brigitte

  6. Kathy am 06.01.2013 um 00:05 Uhr 

    Love the petite size and the floors. Happy New Year…k

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