Inspiration : design elements


A Fashion Designer’s Home

categories House Tour    

Ein Blick nach Madrid in die Wohnung der Modedesignerin Karine Mantoux.

The Madrid home of fashion designer Karine Mantoux captured my heart today.

photos: Belén Imaz for Elle Decor Spain


All the moments in between

categories Inspiration, quotes    

“There was a period in my life when I did not have a clue about who or what I wanted to be. I was completely disconnected from whatever talents I might have had. I was fortune enough to meet Bob Patino, an interior designer who become a mentor to me. Very quickly, I found a direction and a career.

I immersed myself in work, and the years flew by. I was continually looking for the next job, the next challenge. The one constant in my schedule was an annual trip. Every December I visited some exotic destination. This was adventure travel, and it usually did not involve luxury hotels or pampering. The point was to get closer to another culture.

One year I was in the Himalayas, hiking through a rhododendron forest…The views were incredible, but the mountain path was more suited to goats than to people…I was looking at the steep incline coming up and thinking about how I hate going uphill. When was it going to be lunchtime?…

All of a sudden a light bulb went off in my head. The clouds just parted, the sun came out, and I can feel the warmth on my skin. Why don’t I enjoy it, instead of worrying about what’s up ahead?

The future will always be just out of reach. You’ll get there eventually…But in the meantime, don’t miss the here and now. Live in the moment. That’s what’s important. What I am doing today? How can I use my energies?

I don’t pretend to have absorbed this message completely, but I’m trying. There is always a before and an after; but the point is to be present and aware for all the moments in between.”

Vicente Wolf, “Lifting the Curtain on Design

Pangong Tso Lake in the Himalayas via my pinterest


Louis Kahn said…

categories Architecture, Inspiration    

Louis Kahn sagte… aus dem Film “Ein unmoralisches Angebot” (1993) – eine meiner Lieblings-Filmszenen.  Um sie zu sehen, klick einfach auf das Foto unten. Schönes Wochenende!

Louis Kahn said: “Even a brick wants to be something” – one of my favorite movie scenes …from “Indecent Proposal” (1993). You can click on the photo below to see it. Have a wonderful weekend!


A color scheme

categories Inspiration, quotes    

“A color scheme can come from anywhere. Forget fanning trough hundreds of color chips on a paint wand, wondering „Do I like this or that?“ It is confusing and much too analytical. Instead, look at the ocean or a grove of trees. I have started with a chip of cerulean blue paint from the hallway of the Quisisana hotel in Capri, a fragment of silk from Thailand, a scrap of paper found on a street in NY. It will always be something that sets off a strong emotional reaction, something that pulls me in. Absorb everything in your environment. Put yourself in places that open up your senses. Creativity comes from a place deep inside you. Follow your instincts, and you will find what you need.”

Vicente Wolf , “Learning to see

a grove of trees via splendid willow


The Gift of Nothing

categories Books, Inspiration, Special days    

Ich habe ein tolles Buch für meine Kinder gekauft. Es heißt “Das schönste Geschenk” – ein kleines Buch mit einer zeitlosen Botschaft – die Freundschaft und die Liebe sind mehr Wert ist als jedes materielle Geschenk…

Just bought a wonderful little book for my kids. It’s called “The Gift of Nothing” – a little book with a great message, a gentle reminder of what life & holidays should be all about – LOVE…