“Happy Living” on Instagram : design elements


“Happy Living” on Instagram

categories My Books    

Vielen lieben Dank an alle, die Fotos von “Happy Living” gepostet haben. Ich freue mich so, dass euch mein Buch gefällt. Daaanke, daanke für die tollen Fotos! Ich bin sprachlos vor Glück. xxx

Heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you who posted a pic of “Happy Living“. I’m so happy to see all your beautiful images. Thank you! Thank you for your excitement and support. Much love to you all. xxx


Die Liebe zu den Büchern

Living Ruhr


Catherine Cachia

Rachel Lindler of Blue Barn Photography

Michaela of Hello Mime


ein Kommentar zu ““Happy Living” on Instagram”

  1. Lara am 08.03.2017 um 18:18 Uhr 

    From all my decorating books “Happy Living” is my all-time favorite.

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